Final Reflection Paper
Individual project, to be submitted September 7th August 8.
(Please note changed date).
This paper has two sections, described below ( 8 pages, double spaced in total).
In the first section, we want you to look back.
In so doing, reflect on your experience this summer. Specifically, we would like you to discuss (a) what you have learned and how this learning has mattered to you (if at all) and why; and (b) about how you see this experience influencing what you do in the future, and why?
This “looking back” section is an opportunity for you to thoughtfully engage the ideas explored in this course. At the start of the course we will ask you to start a google doc, and provide time at the end of each day to record your reflections of the course and your progress over the two weeks. You must seek to go beyond repeating what the authors have said, even while demonstrating that you have read the course readings, participated in class activities and discussions, and conducted out-of-class research. Your writing should be coherent and well argued. It is never enough to say that you think or feel something is right or wrong; you must develop an argument in support of your position. You should support your position by referring to key positions or arguments expressed in your reading and research. References to the readings may support or refute the authors’ positions, but must be included in the papers.
Then, in the next section we want you to look forward. In essence, you will be creating your own manifesto for a personal learning. In this section, outline and discuss the key topics that will be important to you over the next six months of your career. Then, for each topic, indicate what resources will form the foundation of your professional development in these areas. These resources might include traditional print media such as books and journals, but should also include web resources (e.g., web sites, blogs, online journals, etc.). In addition, consider the role your personal professional learning network of face-to-face and online friends and colleagues might play in your learning. Finally, explain why these particular resources are particularly useful to you when compared to the myriad of resources otherwise available.